Rainbow Goddess – Alphonse Mucha Greeting Card
In The Arts: Painting (1898) a young girl holds a vibrant red flower, symbolizing Alphonse Mucha’s deep admiration for the natural world. Part of a four-panel series celebrating four arts, he refrained from depicting typical artists’ tools (paint brush, plume, musical instruments, etc.) and instead chose to set each one against a background related to a time of the day: in Dance there are falling leaves blowing in the morning breeze; in Painting (seen here!), there is bright daylight and rainbows; Poetry shows dusk with an early evening star; lastly, Music, depicts nightingales welcoming the moonrise. See this image as an art print!
Mucha (1860-1939) was a visionary artist whose artistry and creativity shaped the Art Nouveau movement! Born in 1860 in Moravia, now the Czech Republic, Mucha’s artistic journey took him from a struggling artist to an internationally renowned master of his craft. With his distinctive style characterized by intricate patterns, flowing lines, and ethereal female figures, Mucha’s art played a significant role in shaping the visual aesthetics of the late-19th and early-20th centuries.
This product was custom designed and created at our location in Seattle.
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