I Love You – Gift Book
Originally $24.95
I Love You: an Illustrated Anthology of Some of the Most Romantic Love Poems Ever Written is an anthology of beautiful love poems. This sumptuous gift volume comes in its own box and includes poems by Shakespeare, Byron, Donne and many other of our most revered authors and poets.
All of the poems selected feature accompanying illustrations by some of the finest illustrators and painters of their era, including the work of the Pre-Raphaelite Rossetti and that of his contemporary, the book illustrator Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale. The editors, drawing upon years of collecting in the field of illustrated poetry have created an integrated work in which the reader can enjoy the muse of art and poetry in equal measure.
I Love You is intended as a gift between lovers, both old and new, to be given as a testament of love and to be read aloud to the beloved. As such it contains an elaborately decorated page containing a place intended solely for a romantic inscription from giver to receiver; those seeking inspiration for an inscription of sufficient ardor need only look on for a few pages for to find a suitable message.
Gift ideas: Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, or any time one wants to say I love you.