Fairy Circle – Fairies Greeting Card
“There were seven of them altogether,” reads the original caption beneath this enchanting circle of fairy companions, a creation brought to life by the talented Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. Celebrated first in her homeland of Australia, Outhwaite’s art soon transcended borders and gained international acclaim through her charming postcard illustrations. Among her admirers was none other than Queen Mary, consort of King George V, who, during the 1920s, shared the joy of Outhwaite’s fairy world by sending these postcards to her friends. See this image as an art print!
Ida Rentoul Outhwaite (1888-1960) was an Australian fairy tale legend whose remarkable illustrations captivated generations of readers. With her incredible talent, Outhwaite brought to life enchanting worlds filled with fairies, goblins, and magical creatures, often drawing inspiration from the Australian bushland. Her illustrations, characterized by intricate details and a sense of wonder, captured the hearts of both children and adults. Notably, Outhwaite collaborated with her sister Annie R. Rentoul on several books, with their most famous work being 1919’s Elves and Fairies. Her timeless illustrations continue to inspire fantasy artists and kindle the sense of wonder in those who encounter her magical realms—it’s obvious why she’s a favorite at Laughing Elephant!
This product was custom designed and created at our location in Seattle.
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