Girl With Black Cat – Halloween Greeting Card
In this 1910 postcard illustrated by Frances Brundage, a stark contrast in Halloween enthusiasm is evident between the little girl witch and the rather wary black cat. Brundage’s Halloween-themed artwork consistently leans toward the cute rather than the scary, a hallmark of her style. Notably, original copies of this specific postcard have become highly coveted by collectors and we’re delighted to offer it as a reproduction! See this image in our Wicked Witches & Creepy Cats Postcard Book AND Halloween Labels Sticker Box!
Frances Brundage (1854–1937) is a highly collectible artist, due to the ephemeral nature of most of her work: postcards, valentines, paper dolls, calendars, and the like. Her artistic journey began out of necessity when her father left the family, compelling her to turn her creative talents into a source of income. Remarkably, her very first professional sale was a sketch that illustrated a poem by none other than Louisa May Alcott, and the recipient was Alcott herself! This auspicious start marked the beginning of her illustrious career, during which she not only illustrated Alcott’s literary works but also contributed to other beloved children’s classics. However, it is her enduring legacy of depicting sweet Victorian children that remains one of her most recognizable artistic contributions.
This product was custom designed and created at our location in Seattle.
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