The Masculine – Gift Book
This companion volume to our 2002 publication The Feminine is another montage of images meditating on an elusive yet universal quality—masculinity. Artist and teacher Richard Kehl used his unique vision to select a series of paintings, photographs, and other media that portray masculinity in a variety of guises.
Celebrated men such as Jean Gabin and Gustave Klimt are included, as are many unknown yet compelling faces. The work of fine artists Michelangelo and Rembrandt is presented alongside luminaries from the world of illustration such as N.C. Wyeth and Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale.
Anonymous snapshots face carefully composed images, and the two modes enahance one another. Kehl states in his introduction that The Masculine proceeds from such masculine inclinations as planned action, focused will, logic, and concrete manifestation. These qualities and others are beautifully elucidated in this book.